Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Snowlake Trail, Northbend

Snow lake was a beautiful 2.5 mile hike,we went for a nice hike to snow lake today. Its about 40 miles east on i90. take exit 53 and hang a right and another right. then drive down a little bit and you'll see a small group of service stations, ski lodges, etc. you should be able to find the visitor center on your right. you have to go there no matter what, b/c you need to buy a parking pass for $5. from there they can tell you exactly how to get to the snow creek trail.

we started the hike at 11:10am and it was already crowded.The parking lot was jam packed with around 100+ cars. Lots of passing and being passed, but then also the sign of a nice trail.  I saw lots of families with kids of all ages and dogs too, so it seems pretty friendly for families.

We spent a wonderful afternoon at this place, beautiful sunny mid 70 degree weather and a wonderful hike up to snow lake. The trail is well maintained but it's still relatively rocky and uneven so hiking shoes are helpful. sunblock/hat/glasses are helpful especially on a sunny day because this trail has lots of unshaded portions. near the lake the temperature is noticeably cooler, so i was glad we wore layers and brought track jackets.

the trail winds its way up several switchbacks of the crest of a ridge and then down into the snow lake basin. It took around 2.5 hours to reach the lake. We did saw iceberg on the other side of the shore, left over from the previous winter. The lake is beautiful and once you get down into the basin there are lots of little trails to go exploring on. The lake has a big shoreline so every one can get their own space. If somebody is intrested in bird watching this is a very nice place too. We had our lunch there. Be carefull of eating the food in open as birds might fly over and snatch the food as it did for us :)