Friday, April 12, 2013

Breathtaking, stunning, natural - a real treat Ruby Beach!

If you want to take your family to a beach this is one the good options. Checkout the Ruby beach, Olympic National Park, Washington. This is an very nice place to visit. You can spend hours of your day just walking the beach viewing the amazing view of the ocean. Planning is suggested, as tides can be dangerous and you don't want to hike out further than you can return before the tides trap you.

Ruby Beach is not the place to find bikini beauties and tons of sun block nor the beach to find vendors hawking everything from hotdogs to sandals. It is truly an inspirational mecca where you find yourself alone with your most innermost thoughts - regardless of how many people you may be with. It surely is a must visit for you when you are anywhere in the area.  There are restroom facilities. .

We went down the trail that leads to the beach. You have to climb over driftwood to get to the beach. Cedar creek opens into the ocean as you come out of the trail. It isn't that deep, but the current was rather swift until it spread out across the beach. We made our way out onto the beach after observing the creek.
While my son frolicked in the water and sand, I took the opportunity to snap some pictures of the sun, Abbey Island and the surrounding area. This beach has many different sized cobbles. I didn't see any wildlife.

There is also a lighthouse in the distance. I could barely make it out, but I'm certain that is what it was. The tide came in rather fast. It had covered the beach about 20 minutes after the sun had set. We had a wonderful time exploring and wandering around. Beautiful sunset and beach.