Sunday, May 12, 2013

Palouse Falls, WA

If you're in Walla Walla for a Balloon Stampede weekend, please take the time to drive to Palouse Falls. It's totally worth it!

Its around 1 hour drive from Walla Walla to Palouse Falls State Park and around 4hrs east of Seattle, driving pass through Snowqualmie Pass mountains. The drive towards the state park is very beautiful.The drive is stunning, especially in spring, when you'll drive through emerald green onion fields that look exactly like a real life version of Microsoft's XP's default wallpaper.

The falls are surrounded by grassy Palouse hills for miles. You will not be able to see the falls or the Canyons till you actually reach the State Park.  Out in the middle of no where, really no where, there is a waterfall you can see! You park your car and walk down a few step and there it is, in all it's beauty. It was really busy the day we visited, and hot too. We walked some of the upper trails, took some pics and left. I'd love to hike down to the river bank and check out the water some time. We did see few people swimming and enjoying the sun on the bank of the accumulated water just near the mouth off the falls - Scary but amazing.There are picnic tables and outbuildings, no plumbing, no sinks. This park is truly a hidden gem of Eastern Washington!!

- If traveling with small children, be careful of the cliffsides since most of the area is not fenced and you can fall over the edge down to the riverbank.
- you will need a Washington state Discovery pass. If you forgot, font worry Rangers will help you on that 10$ CASH ONLY
-Wear a hat and sunscreen; we found the sun to be relentless, even though the temperature was a mere 73 degree
- For any of you interested in Camping, this place does have camping sites. Camps here cannot be booked online and need to be booked in Person.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Walla Walla Balloon Stampede

One of the best trips we made this summer is to the Walla Walla Baloon Stampede. The festival happens once a year in May. The festival is a 3 day event. We made it on the Saturday afternoon after a 4hr long drive from Seattle.

We planned to see the night glow event which happens on all the event nights. When we reached around 5.30, the carnival was in full swing, live bands were playing continuous music on the main stage and loads of people trying to secure the place on the stadium benches. After the dust the show started and it was spectacular. I counted and there were at least 10+ balloons that started getting bigger and began to glow. The stadium lights were switched off and the balloons were like big lanterns. That's what they call as Night Glow event. After a nice dinner at the event place we stayed at a hotel for that night. 

Next event was to see the balloon launch in the morning. I will say that the website is completely honest when they say launch is at 6:30 A.M. I would even say, get there well before that time. It's probably more busy during the first two days so the parking lots are probably more crowded. The last day, they only due the balloon launch and then a huge pancake breakfast for all the guests and volunteers. Guests are encouraged to leave a small donation for the pancake breakfast. Honestly, where can you go to such a super event that is practically all free. Free parking, Free admission. 

I know....I're probably saying 6:30 A.M. Be serious! But, I believe that time is the best time to launch the balloons as it's not too hot and the winds aren't normally too high. There were a few balloons that were unable to launch due to the winds picking up a little. I drove all the way from Lacey too see this and it was well worth the trip. It took about 45 mins to launch all the balloons. It probably takes a little bit longer during the first two days. 

Once they get full of hot air, those balloons are up up and away very quickly. I like that you can walk right out onto the field and get super close to the balloons, even touch them. There are huge fueled flame blowers that shoot out flames at least 15 ft long into the bellies of the air balloon beasts. But wow! is the whole process spectacular. It's so beautiful to watch the whole process of taking the balloon out of the bag, the rolled them out carefully, then turn on the fan and fill them with regular air, then turn on the gas and fire up the torch, then stand the basket upright based on the hot air pulling the balloon upright in to place, then air a little more hot are and up up and awayyyyy! 

Check out the official site for details.