Saturday, March 30, 2013

Family fun with Animal Interaction - Olympic Game Farm

This place was so much fun. I would go back all the time if it weren't so expensive ($11 for me, my 2.5yo was free), or if they had some sort of annual membership deal. My son thought it was hilarious when the yaks and llamas ran in front of my car to make us stop and then shoved their noses against the windows. I found it a little scary, and had zero interest in rolling down my window to give them bread, but that didn't stop them from trying. 

I think my son was more interested in the roosters, peacocks, and rabbits that were everywhere than anything else, but I the bears were the most fun for me. One was hanging out right near the fence and I am pretty sure he waved to us. 

On thing i didnt like about that place was carnivores in small cages but would recommend this place if you are in the area.

Unique, calming, and scenic place - Hoh Rainforest, Forks

Unique, calming, and scenic place - excellent for a short day trip! It's about two hours from Port Angeles.
We came during the summer and there wasn't any rain, just some clouds. There are two main trails, Hall of Mosses and the Spruce Nature Trail (empty, very little people). We hiked the Spruce Nature Trail first and had lunch next to the Hoh River on some fallen trees, a nice and memorable experience! After lunch, we walked the Hall of Mosses, where you can spot trees and organisms that are literally covered in mosses, nice for photos.

I guess for us, it was a lot more fun hiking and walking through the temperate rain forest than taking photos - everything starts looking the same (green) after a few photos. Hall of Moss area of this park was a easy hike which is kids friendly . It took about an hour, but my kid age 3.5 was able to do it without problem. 
Kudos as well to the staff in the visitor center -- they were friendly, informative, and helpful. Even more informative was the antiquated display/exhibit on the history of the area, which also explained how and why the total rainfall was near 6 feet (who knew climatology and meteorology could be so much fun?).

Special note: the road from 101 into Hoh is about 17-18 miles of beautiful scenery -- be sure to stop along the Hoh River and check out the steel-gray waters as the waterway cuts through the Hoh valley
Be warned, Highway 101 is where the Police Academy trains their rookies - the speed limit is strictly enforced and we almost got a ticket.... we were warned by our hotel staff as well.